Friday, August 6, 2010

Operation Beautiful- Book Review and Giveaway!

About a week ago I found out about Operation Beautiful. Operation Beautiful was created by Caitlin Boyle about a year ago when she was having some negative thoughts about herself. She put a note a public bathroom mirror that simply said "you're beautiful", she took a picture of it and blogged about it. that was the beginning of Operation Beautiful!

The day after I told my daughter about this idea, she and I went and bought some fun post it notes and colorful sharpies. We are now on a mission. She put one up in the bathroom where she works (an assisted living facility) and not 10 minutes later a co-worker came up to her and said "you won't believe what someone put up in the bathroom! A note that says "you're beautiful"! Isn't that cool!?" My daughter just smiled and said yeah, it is! She didn't take any credit for it, which is so much fun!

Then we hit Walmart. We slapped notes on the two mirrors in the bathroom.

We stealthy took pictures and sent them to Caitlin. She will get them up on her site eventually. We plan to do this everywhere we go. It's just so much fun! I know it will make a huge difference in someone's life. We can't wait to go to a bookstore and hit the self help section.

Caitlin was able to compile many of the pictures and emails into a book. I had the pleasure of reviewing that very book, which was released this week. Operation Beautiful.

Here is Caitlin talking about her book on the Today Show.

I read it cover to cover the day it arrived. It is such a positive, uplifting book. I love the concept of Operation Beautiful. Just love it. Having been a larger person all my life, I have subjected myself to negative talk for years, even complete and utter self-HATE. Yeah, I've not embraced myself AT all. I spent literally decades telling myself I'm fat and ugly. That has changed. Yes, I'm still insecure about my weight- usually when I meet someone I don't know, for the first time. Those first impressions are so important and people sometimes do judge an overweight person simply because they are overweight. BUT...I am no longer convinced I'm fat and ugly. I am not ugly! In fact, I'm beautiful. *grin*. You are too. Don't you forget it.

I am giving away a copy of the book. In order to win, you MUST leave a comment here. To make it more interesting, tell me where you would post a "you're beautiful" post it note (then get off your butt and go do it already!) Oh, and include your email.

Drawing will be hmmm..... let's shoot for Friday the 13th. If I don't have that many entries I'll possibly extend it. Good luck! *this is a sponsored post*


Cheryl said...

I need to win this for Molly! :-) I like the ideas of putting the post its around. I think I'll do that. :-)

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking the bathroom at church!

fergyla AT

Pamela said...

I am going to post one when I got to the cancer center with my mom for her appt.

Sheryl said...

What a wonderful, wonderful idea! I LOVE it! :-D

Hmmm, let's see. Where will I put a note?

I think I'll stick it on the mirror at my 12-step meeting.

Ellen said...

What a neat idea! I'd put one up in our local unemployment office. said...

Hi there,
Am a new follower!

cheercfa07 said...

I would go to my old high school and post one because young girls can be so insecure.

cheercfa07 at aol dot com