Monday, December 6, 2010

Sitting at Starbucks....

Every day I sit here, nursing a cup of iced java, listening to the various conversations, pondering my own life... It's been suggested that it would be cheaper to purchase my own Starbucks coffee maker and all the Starbucks syrups and whatnot, to do it myself. What these people fail to realize is that two hours a day at Starbucks rejuvenates me. I get my caffiene jolt for the day and my mental batteries recharged. Life is calm. I also realize that my problems aren't as bad as the guy sitting next to me. He has a vindictive and spiteful ex wife and he's only 38. I kind of feel bad for him. He's very down to earth and seems to have a heart of gold. Granted, I'm basing my opinion on a 20 minute conversation he is having with the elderly man he is talking to.......

Well, my time here is done for the day. I'm off to the podiatrist to find out just what I am going to do with my heel......

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