Friday, February 27, 2015

Advanced Green Tea Extract Review

I had the pleasure of trying Advanced Green Tea Extract by Zenwise Labs

I like to drink green tea, both iced and hot, but I don't like how jittery I get, even with the decaf.  I decided to give this product a try.  It is designed for weight loss and it's too soon for me to tell if it's working for that.  I do know that drinking green tea helped me with that, naturally, so I can assume that green tea extract capsules would do the same thing.  (During this trial period, I am not consuming any extra green tea.) I've read that green tea is also supposed to help lower cholesterol help your immune system.  This product is supposed to do the same.  Of course, always work with your doctor first, if you are taking medications, don't ever stop those and use products like these instead!  (I'm not a doctor, I can't suggest things like that!)

This product is formulated to help promote weight loss, cholesterol reduction and healthier living in men and women.  It is caffeine free.  It has vitamin C for antioxidant protection. 

Best of all, this product comes with a 100% guarantee.   I like it, so far.  I'm not having any adverse side effects, so I will continue to take it and see what happens. 

If you want your own bottle, hop on over to Amazon and get one. 

*This is a sponsored post*

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