Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Wordless (or Wordful?) Wednesday

I took this picture of me when I was in the hospital. I had my hysterectomy that morning. I was wide awake and incredibly bored. I knew my familiy was sound asleep as it was in the middle of the night, so I couldn't call or text them. Anyway, I decided to take a few pictures of myself to capture the moment. LOL!

(you can see more at 5 minutes for moms or 7 Clown Circus :-))


Jennifer said...

You look fabulous for having surgery!

TuTu's Bliss said...

I'm with Jennifer. You look like you were about to step out for a day out. Get well soon. Hugs, Jen

Claremont First Ward said...

I was in the hospital for 10 weeks with my twins. I remember laying there in the middle of the night bored and wanting company with nothing to do but stare at the walls. :)

Susan Holt Simpson said...

WOW - you are brave! No one is allowed to take a photo of me after the hospital gown goes on! Not without paying bodily harm -hahaha

Hope you're feeling wonderful now!


Unknown said...

Wow, you look better than I do on one of my better days!

And yes, I remember being in the hospital, awake in the middle of the night, and having no one to entertain me. Unlike you, however, I had no problem with waking their butts up. ;) In other words, not only are you beautiful, but nice too. (Normally I hate women like that, LOL)!

Michele said...

Oh dear, that last comment was from me....I forgot to sign out of my poor brother's account! Now you probably think some weird guy named Tom is stalking you, bwahahahahaha....sorry 'bout that!

Nicole said...

Wow you look great! I hope you have a quick recovery.

mommytoalot said...

You look good. How are you feeling now.?
My mom had her hysterectomy a few weeks ago and is still recovering.

Jamie said...

lol maggie you crack me up girl! love ya!