Sunday, June 21, 2009

An Interesting Freebie

I was surfing google tonight, looking for inexpensive ways to obtain my college I am not independently wealthy and I want to avoid more debt if at all possible. I do not absolutely need a degree, I may never use a degree but I want one. It's not like I must do this for advancement or anything. While I didn't find anything worth mentioning for myself, I did find something possibly interesting to active duty military. I read that you can earn your degree for free through Excelsior College by taking their tests. Here's some info I found:

Excelsior College Exams

Excelsior is New York State’s adult education and distance learning college. Most who register for these exams are also working toward a distance undergraduate degree with Excelsior, but other colleges also accept these exams. Choose from 51 exams in the arts and sciences, business, nursing and education.

The cost is higher for these exams than for most other types of challenge exams: $235 or more per exam. But, if you're active-duty military, you can take Excelsior College exams for free.

Contact: Excelsior College, 888-647-2388.

I hope this information is helpful to someone!

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