Sunday, January 2, 2011

It's 1:30 in the Morning and I'm Still Here

My brain is refusing to shut down tonight, so I might as well blog. It's a new year, I just turned a new year older (on the 29th) and well, life still feels much the same as it did yesterday and the day before that... I like to reflect back on the previous year, on New Years. I like to look back at what I accomplished (and what I didn't) what I wish I had done and what I'm glad I didn't.

So much happened in my personal life this year, yet nothing changed. I feel like I was spinning in circles for much of 2010. I want 2011 to be a year of moving forward. It's time. While I may not be 100% happy or content with where I am today, it's only up to ME to change that. So, rather than creating resolutions I will not keep (I've been trying to lose the same 100 lbs for the last 10 years) I'm going to just say, 2011 will be the year that I work on my happiness. Not sure what that is going to look like, but it's going to improve day by day. I'm not content to be complacent any more.

Happy New Year!


Gone Back South said...

I think you've got that one right, because when we feel happy, other things we would like (like losing weight) can happen so much more easily. Keep focussed on that goal of happiness. Happy New Year to you and your brood!!!!!
Best wishes,

ARK said...

Cheers to the same weight to lose year after year after year...arg!!