Thursday, February 19, 2015

Be Kind to Others

Hope is learning in school about doing random acts of kindness and being kind to others. I never really gave it much thought. This is just something we do. If someone is taking donations, we often donate, if we have the money. If they offer a free token of appreciation for the donation, we usually decline, unless I have a whiney adult child with me who wants the fruit snacks or other type of treat they are giving away. At any rate, you might be familiar with the old saying about how little eyes always watch what you do and little ears hear what you say... Hope earned some gifts for a charity event at school. She liked the items, but another child didn't have any, so Hope gave hers to this other child. Why? Well, she felt the other child would appreciate it and wanted to share. It warms my heart. Your kids really do watch your every move, both good and bad. They are heavily influenced by what you do all the time. Set good examples for your babies.

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