Tuesday, March 13, 2001

Tuesday, March 13, 2001

The last few days have been pretty quiet on the homefront. Other than ole Hopper who is showing no signs of growing legs, but has a rather long thick tail......there hasn't been much excitement.

Jenna has almost fully recovered from her tonsils and adenoids being taken out. she returned to school today. (Thank the Good Lord!) She was missed and was thrilled that everyone asked her how she was feeling, etc :-)

I looked at her today and wonder where has the time gone? She is 9. NINE! I am not old enough to have a nine year old! *grin* Ok, so I am, but it makes me feel older......she is beautiful. She has a knack of making me incredibly angry, knows exactly which buttons to push, but I adore her. I don't tell her that often enough.

Jonathan is growing right before my eyes too. I am not ready for this!!!! He is four! did I blink and time raced forward by several years? He is talking much more clearly now. His speech is still a concern but I think with therapy he will do fine by the time he is of school age. He is so grown up in his actions and such a gentle little man. He will often 'take care' of Jenna's 'babies' by putting them in their seats, putting it carefully on his little bike and takes them for rides. My heart swells when I see what gentle souls I have for kids.........

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