Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I'm sooooooo MAD

Ugh. I'm so angry I could spit nails. No wonder my sweet daughter was so riled up earlier!!! I honestly thought she was exaggerating, but no, she wasn't. I just can't get over the NERVE of this dingbat who lives down the street from us. I'm going to try to say this as politely as possible.....

My daughter is not a tramp.

My daughter is not uneducated just because she is homeschooled.

My daughther IS going to make something of herself. IN fact, she already has a full time job that she is doing wonderfully at making more than ME per hour. she is hoping to graduate a FULL YEAR ahead of her peers. She wants to take her GED so that it would allow her more opportunities than a homeschool issued diploma. She is THINKING of these things already. She is PLANNING her future. She has over $1000 in the bank, in a SAVINGS account, from money she has EARNED working.

And this ding dong says that she is a tramp, she is uneducated and will never amount to anything???????? I don't get it. I really really don't get it.

Oh, and he doesn't like my husband and myself because we don't respect HIM. Gee, do you wonder why? Would you respect someone who calls your daughter a s*&t TO your FACE? Oh I'm so sorry if I'm lacking in my respect for you. HA!

My daughter is a mess. She just doesn't understand why someone would feel so negatively about her.

Why are people like this?



heidi said...

because he thinks so little of himself.

Poor J! :-(

Anonymous said...

WOW Maggie...what a total jerk-face!

HOLY COW she has more money than ME! BAHAHAHA! GOOD GIRL! She has a GOOD head on her shoulders.

Hehehe...I just blogged about that ol' stupid High road myself...not an easy one to make sometimes when you know someone has been a JERK!

Jamie said...

Sheesh Meggie thats terrible. Are you sure you didn't just move to my street? I am so sorry you are deraling with a bad neighbor too. And FWIW I'm very proud of your daughter. You can tell her that.

Mandy said...

Oh, I feel your pain. The mama bear came out! How dare he say or think these things about your girl! Hang in there, you know, she knows, who cares what he thinks!

Simply_Pam said...

I was just surfing and found your blog.As for what others think of us.. try useing the spirit of Christmas.. forgive and forget.It's not productive to try and change peoples minds when they are made up..We will all answer for thise that we have hurt someday.