Sunday, February 22, 2009

An Apology

I'm sorry I haven't been reading, commenting, posting much, etc. I didn't realize just how much this surgery would whip my butt. I feel tired, to the point of laziness. I have no energy to even get online most of the time. Believe it, it's true! Or if I do, I just read email and log off. Not fun. I'm not fun to be around anyway. So I just wanted to apologize for my lack of activity. what you have been seeing takes hours to create and post. LOL

hopefully I'll be back on track soon!


Julie H said...

I hope you are feeling better soon!

He & Me + 3 said...

I had that same kind of post yesterday...I was gone all day. No apologies just had surgery...take it easy and heal.

Unknown said...

You have no reason to apologize. Take care of yourself, dear.

mommytoalot said...

Awww feel better.
My mom just had that operation and she's pooped as well.
take care of yourself.
hope the kids are all doing well.
miss ya

Gone Back South said...

Yah, I'm intensely irritated that I'm not completely recovered from my surgery already (it's only been 3 weeks). I'm not bored, I can always find stuff to do, but wish I wasn't still sore and I don't like my scar. I find it hard to rest. I wish you better soon my friend, and although I won't be posting for a while I'll certainly be reading your posts. (Still thinking about a CP blog - haven't done anything about it yet)!!!

Nesting Momma said...

I'm new here and just stopped by to say hi. Hope you feel better soon..gotta get back to blogging..LOL