Thursday, January 26, 2012

Missing Mom

I was looking at that picture of myself and reminded of my mother, Margaret. She had gorgeous auburn hair. When she became ill, with cancer, her hair lost it's luster. She began to wear wigs. One Sunday, she put on her trusty auburn wig and put a fancy pill box hat on top, attached with a pin. Well, Pastor Brendle visited us after church and was humored when my mother removed her hat, forgetting it was pinned on, hair and all. *giggle* MY hair is quite real, and while I am blessed with thick hair, I shall color it red, and think of my mother's antics. ;) She would be 85 years old, on Sunday. I miss you, Mama.

1 comment:

Gone Back South said...

Ahh that's so funny about the hair coming off with the hat incident. Lovely to have memories of loved ones.